Susan B. Anthony Victorian Girls Costume. This is an exclusive Girl's Susan B. Anthony Victorian Costume.... - Susan B. Anthony Victorian Girls Costume.
Harriet Tubman/Susan B. Anthony Girls Costume. A Proud HeritageYour little girl was selected to play Harriet Tubman in her school's play; that's fantastic! Of course, the school is encouraging all the kids to DIY their costumes (don't even get us started on schools' arts budgets these days), but ... - Harriet Tubman/Susan B. Anthony Girls Costume.
Victorian Womens Steampunk Costume. For Your A-muse-mentAs a florishing artist, you take your sources of inspiration very seriously. If the muse leaves you, you must stoke your creative fires until she returns. And for whatever reason, nothing gets your gears turning like a trip into t... - Victorian Womens Steampunk Costume.
Girls Victorian Vampira Costume. Aristocratic YouthYour little one is a proud vampire and a proud lady. Some vampires may have lost their senses and started making friends with their humans—you’ve heard some even sparkle in the sunlight now—but not her. She’s a different bre... - Girls Victorian Vampira Costume.
Gothic Victorian Vampire Costume for Women. VAMPIRES: THE PICKIEST EATERS EVER? Vampires might be some of the pickiest eaters alive. Well, we suppose they aren't technically alive, so we will rephrase that. Vampires might be some of the pickiest eaters undead. But think about it, they only dr... - Gothic Victorian Vampire Costume for Women.